We offer custom-tailored Alcohol Treatment Programs in a flexible, comprehensive format. We can help you by telephone, zoom, in-patient, out-patient, or even in-person at your home or office. Working 1-On-1 with you as often as you require, we'll give you everything you need to quit drinking or learn to drink responsibly in a way that works for you.
Watch this video to begin. (Be sure your speakers are turned on.)
From the Desk of Mike Highstead
February 15, 2025
Dear Friend,
I'd like to have a private call with you so I can show you what it's really going to take for you, personally, to successfully solve your drinking problem. In fact, I want to collaborate with you on the call to design a Personal Recovery Plan that you can use to maintain your sobriety with or without my help.
There is no charge for this and there is no catch. If you get value from the conversation and you want me to help you further, then we can discuss working together in one of my exclusive coaching programs. Take your time assessing what I have presented here. If it makes sense to you, then go ahead and click on the red button to schedule your call with me.
Talk to you soon,
Mike Highstead
How To Get Your Lifetime Sobriety Warranty
Okay let me tell you how this works. Right now I am looking for a few select clients who are committed to getting sober. By sober I mean having no more fear of drinking alcohol. Having all the power, freedom and certainty of knowing that you will never drink alcohol again, or if you choose to drink, knowing you will only drink responsibly. If you are one of those clients, I will personally work with you to overcome your drinking problem. I will help you get sober without checking into rehab, I'll help you stay sober without going to A.A., I'll help you confidentially so nobody needs to know and...
I will give you a Lifetime Sobriety Warranty.
Here's Why...
The first thing I am going to give you is a reliable, custom-tailored Recovery Plan to immediately control your drinking. There is no charge for this and it will only take about 30 minutes on the phone for you and I to build your Recovery Plan together. (After solving people's drinking problems for more than 20 years I've become really good at it.)
At the end of our initial planning session, one of two things will happen:
1. You will love your plan and decide to implement it on your own. If that's the case, I'll wish you the best of luck and ask you to keep in touch with me, to let me know how you are doing.
2. You will love your plan and decide to become my client. This way I can personally help you overcome any obstacles to following your plan. If you decide to become my client your drinking problems will be over. Period.
Here Is How We'll Start...
First, you and I will have a private telephone call to assess where you are at, to be clear about where you truly want to be, and to identify the hurdles that are standing in your way. Once we have that "raw data" about your own personal situation, I will help you create a safe and manageable plan of action to immediately control your drinking. Your plan will be custom-tailored to suit your own personal circumstances, and it will fully address your own individual needs, goals, preferences, and concerns.
There are a number of ways I can do this for you. For example, I might start by showing you some more effective ways to get the particular feelings or results that you desire. I might teach you how to keep enough leverage on yourself to consistently follow through. I might assign a new personal practice to develop your self-confidence, suggest some kind of actions to restore your credibility, or set you up with some simple accountability structures.
I might also give you some reliable ways to start managing your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. Or recommend a new daily discipline to improve your self-control. Or help you get to the source of what is actually troubling you, and help you overcome it. Everyone is different, so figuring out a way that works for you will depend on your telling me what is most important to you.
And like I said, there is no charge to have me develop your custom-tailored plan.
Why I'm Offering This To You...
For more than 20 years I have been helping people overcome their addictions. I have worked with athletes, celebrities, CEOs...people from many different walks of life. Working with so many different people, I have discovered what people need the most before they will take action. They need certainty. In fact, the more certainty people have, the more action they will take. So I want to give you all the certainty that you will ever need, to take the actions you require, to get the results that you desire.
The second reason is I love doing it. This type of thing is what I do best and it really makes me happy to see someone take what I have taught them, regain control of their behaviour and turn their life around. After doing it for so long, I have become really efficient at helping people create and follow their own highly effective plans for getting the results they want.
And finally, this is how I attract the kind of clients that I like to work with. People who are coachable, who are committed to being responsible, and who are ready to take action.
Here Is How That Works...
Assuming you are happy with your Plan, there is a good chance you will want to continue working together so I can help you stay on track. If so then I may invite you to become my Client. Because each of my Clients has their own personal preferences for how they want to deal with their drinking, my fee for working 1-On-1 with you will depend on your own personal preferences and whether you want to work together by telephone, zoom, or in person. Either way, as my Client you can get a Lifetime Sobriety Warranty.
I will explain that in more detail on your call, but first I am going to ask you to qualify yourself to ensure we don't waste our time. Doing it this way gives you and me the opportunity to see if it is worth doing some work together. I get to see where you are at. You get to see how to get where you want to be.
And look. After getting your free Recovery Plan, if you don't want to become a client don't worry about it. You won't ever hear any kind of pressure from me to buy. That's simply not my style. The fact is, I have been doing this for a long time, my methods have proven to be effective for many different people in many different circumstances, I have plenty of references for success, and I think I'm the only one in the industry who offers a money-back guarantee.
As you can imagine I get a lot of interest from this website. And that's why I'd like you to read this next part very carefully. This offer is not for everybody. I'm very picky about who I'll speak with and I've got a strict (but reasonable) set of criteria that must be met before I will talk to you on the phone.
Here Is Who I Can Help...
1. You must be committed to being responsible.
My private coaching programs can be mentally, physically, emotionally and even spiritually challenging at times. While we don't yet know the exact challenges you will face, I can promise you some of them will be difficult. So even before we start, I recommend you write down some of your biggest reasons to be able to control your drinking. Why is it so important to you?
2. You must be committed to being honest.
There is no helping you if you lie to me. I understand you may be lying to other people and sometimes even to yourself. But if you can't be honest with me then our time together will be wasted. Besides, haven't you had enough of listening to your own bullshit?
3. You must follow my directions.
Don't worry, I won't ever ask you to do anything more than you can handle. I will only assign whatever work is required to ensure that you succeed, at a pace that you can manage. After all, if you don't actually do the work then you won't get your results and then you won't be happy. I want you to be happy!
And that's it! Those are all of my requirements. If you meet the above criteria and you want to talk to me about being able to stop or control your drinking, then I'll happily set aside some time for you.
Because of the intense, 1-On-1 time required to personally guarantee results, it is physically impossible for me to work with more than a handful of people at a time. This web page only appears when I am taking in new clients. Your window of opportunity will not be open long.
Here Is What I Want You To Do Right Now...
1. Click On The Red Button.
That will take you to my private appointment calendar.
2. Select A Time For Me To Call You.
For the next two weeks I have several times available
3. Leave The Rest To Me.
During the call, I will thoroughly assess your own personal circumstances. And then right there on the call, you and I will design an effective plan to maintain your sobriety. Finally, if you see value in hiring me to help you go the distance, great. We can certainly talk about it. And if you don't want to become my client that's perfectly fine as well. Either way, I'll be happy to have helped you.
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